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May 31, 2018

Secure Connection Through Prayer

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I’ve always wanted to be secure.  Secure in my friendships.  Secure in my my abilities.  Secure in my place in a room full of strangers or in the living room of my very own home.  But security is tough to come by.  Learning to be secure, or confident, in who I am and whose I am has been one long, uphill climb.  

And while I definitely have not arrived or achieved perfection in this area of security, I have found the one thing that gives my feet secure footing on a day in and day out basis.  And that thing is prayer.  

Prayer – daily, secure connection to a faithful God – is what has given me confidence in my place with God and my place with others over the past five years.  And while prayer certainly hasn’t kept me from falling, it has given me the ability to know how to stand back up, brush myself off, and start moving again much faster than ever before.  

This week, thanks to my wise, beautiful friend, Courtney Garret, who has discipled countless women and written a Bible study of her own, I had the privilege of sharing what God has been teaching me about prayer with a ministry called Sacred Story.  The founder of the ministry, Laura Wilcox, encourages “women to live their stories in light of God’s grand story, to pass on their stories to others, and to know Jesus as their ‘first love’ in every chapter.”  To find out more about Sacred Story and the good work they are doing, click here.  And to read what God has been doing these past five years in my heart concerning prayer, click on the link below.

If you are in the Houston area and would like to further explore secure connection through prayer, I will be teaching a three week series on prayer at Houston’s First Baptist church during the month of June.  The study is the first three Tuesdays in June – June 5th, 12th, and 19th – and will be in the Reception Room from 6:30-8pm.  

My new books, Secure: The Prayer Guide: Connecting to God Through Persistent Prayer, and Secure:  The Thirty-One Day Prayer Journal will be available to purchase as resources to guide you through the study.

If you are not in the Houston area or cannot attend the study, the books will be available for pre-sale on Amazon by June 15th, just in time for you to make your own secure connection with the Lord through prayer this summer.  Links to audio and video resources to go along with the prayer guide and journal will also be available here at

Lots of exciting things are happening around here this summer, so stay tuned to future blog posts to receive updates.  But the most exciting thing of all is the invitation from God Himself to connect securely to Him along every path, in every season, with every step in life, through the gift of prayer.

Let’s take time this summer to open that invitation together.