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July 13, 2015

Garden Hotel Guangzhou

In just four hours, at 2pm Guangzhou time and 1am Houston time, we will meet our guide, Lily, in the lobby of our hotel to go to get Mia Grace. We have a few hours to kill before then, so I wanted to give you the low down on where we are staying in Guangzhou and will be for the next twelve days.

Before I do that, though, I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for the comments you all are leaving. Jason and I read each and every one, and most of them bring me to tears. The support, encouragement, and excitement we feel from friends and family back home is overwhelming in the best sort of way. Thank you for eagerly and prayerfully waiting alongside of us!

When we pulled up to our hotel yesterday, we were so pleasantly blown away! The Garden Hotel is beautiful, and our apartment for the duration of our stay here will make the transition with Mia Grace so much easier than expected. Thank you, Simi, and everyone at Living Hope Adoption Agency for taking such good care of us!

Here we are in the lobby of the hotel:image

I was advised by several people who had traveled to China to make sure to bring some sort of breakfast bar or food for the girls since rice and fish isn’t usually high on the American breakfast menu. So here are the ten pounds of oatmeal packets I packed for us for breakfast:

And here is a picture of our leftovers from breakfast this morning (and yes, that is a donut):image
So much for instant oatmeal! I think I will leave the packets here as a souvenir for whoever wants them!

Here are two final pictures of our hotel: the shelf in Mia Grace’s room where her things are waiting for her. So many of you have contributed to what’s on that shelf – thank you Jenny, Aunt Robin, and Jacky, just to name a few!:

And finally, here are Mia Grace’s things, ready to be packed into her diaper bag for today.

The next time I post, we will have a baby in our arms, Lord willing! My stomach is in knots, but my heart is at peace, thanks to so many of your prayers and the goodness of our great God!
Much love to each of you, The Bakers