

God alone knows what each of us needs to help us see that there is hope beyond our wreckage and rebuilding beyond our ruins.

  • Is it difficult for you to remember your past without the sting of rejection, shame, or waves of pain?
  • Do you have walls up in your relationships with others β€” including the people you love most β€” but do not know where the walls come from or why they exist?
  • Are you suffering from panic attacks or frequent bouts of anxiety or depression?
  • Do you pull people close to you only to push them away for reasons you do not understand?
  • Do you have a hard time connecting with the people you love most in a safe or empathetic way?

If you answered β€œyes” to any of those questions, know this: the same tools of restoration that were available to me are available to you.

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How to Use This Book and Bible Study