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June 8, 2021

How to Restore: Solitude

The start of each summer feels like an invitation to me to restore – an invitation to come and rest so that I can have enough in my tank to last through the remainder of the year.

But I’ve learned that rest isn’t just about sleeping in or going on vacation.  It isn’t about abandoning routine; it’s about embracing a new routine, one that invites true rest. 

This routine involves three very different but important elements:

  • Solitude
  • Rest
  • Work

A summer without solitude develops no intimacy with God.  A summer without rest develops striving.  A summer without work develops no room for growth. 

But I’ve also learned that none of these elements grow on their own.  They must be carefully cultivated within the context of the seasons of rest we are given. 

This week, join me as I talk about Solitude and ways to incorporate it into your summer rhythm. Be on the lookout over the next two weeks for posts on Rest and Work and then a new PDF to tie them all together.

For ideas on how to incorporate solitude and intentional time in God’s Word into your summer season, watch this popular posts from last summer, Biblestudy Tools and Women in the Word. You can find the resources mentioned in the Biblestudy Tools post here, and the resources from Women in the Word here.

Happy Summer everyone!

For more encouragement through the week, you can find me on Instagram, @baker.susannah.