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June 14, 2021

How to Restore: Rest

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As funny as it sounds, to have a restorative summer requires some work. It requires me to take a few moments to think through what gives me rest, and what doesn’t.

I’ve learned the hard way that true rest isn’t just about abandoning routine, it’s about embracing a new one, one that involves the elements of solitude, rest, and work.

Last week, we walked about solitude – time alone with God. (Click here to listen to last week’s video.) Join me this week as I talk about rest – what does restorative rest look like and how can we incorporate it into our summer season?

Two of the books I’ve chosen to read and learn from this summer season are:

After reading about Elisabeth Elliot’s life, it’s been fun to listen to her talks on a podcast her granddaughter put together called The Elisabeth Elliot Podcast.

  • One of my favorite talks has been Helps to Holiness where Elisabeth speaks about obedience to God’s Word and prayer. Her lifetime of obedience gives weight and life-giving power to her words and was a great encouragement.

Be on the lookout next week for a video as I talk about restorative work, and in two weeks I will share a new PDF that will give you time and space to work through all three.

Enjoy your season of rest and restoration this summer!

For more encouragement throughout the week, you can find me on Instagram, @baker.susannah.